
France’s oldest nuclear power plant is out of service

according to a report in the French newspaper le figaro, located in the eastern France Alsace Fiji's haim nuclear power plant reactor no. 2 has officially closed at this point, this has served more than 40 years of plant operation according to come to a complete stop, FeiSenHai nuclear power plant is located in the Rhine, near Germany and Switzerland border, was officially opened in 1977, France has used in a nuclear power station in February this year, the longest the plant's number one reactor has been closed
According to agence france-presse reported, at present, waiting for the plant is protracted demolition including before the summer of 2023, dealing with spent nuclear fuel rods predicts 2040, to fully disable the plant le figaro, points out that, in fact, to achieve nuclear power output by 2035 to 50% of the target, any French President francois hollande and marolon promised to shut down the plant
However, recently, the international atomic energy agency (iaea), nuclear power to reduce global carbon emissions play a bigger role in the process, called for prolong the service life of existing nuclear power plant at the same time, with the industry worry that affected by outbreaks across France plant overhaul refueling engineering have been forced to delay, and closed the Fijian, nuclear power plants, power supply, which may affect the French winter may even lead to France electricity imports increase in addition, the social impact of the closed nuclear power plant in the local have yet to find an alternative to the French government plans to an industrial park near the nuclear power plant construction, introducing a can create 250 Electric-power France, a biofuel plant with 700 jobs, has proposed building a technology centre to dismantle the plant and reuse materials, but none of those plans have yet been launched. How will local employment taxes and economic activity continue after the plant is closed